For both occasions,you carefully choose what you'll wear, consider the message the length of your skirt sends, and find the right balance of not too much makeup and not too little. On the interview you hope to look competent, professional, and intelligent. On a date, you hope to look attractive, sexy-but-not-slutty, and again intelligent.
Job interviews and first dates have a long list of similarities when you start to think about it, but hopefully the date is more fun than the interview. For one thing, having a drink is usually not acceptable on an interview but more than fine on a date!
When I met Hair Gel, I was rebounding from Mr. Nice Guy (see previous post). I had a hard time remembering his name even at that time, but I will never forget the scent of his hair gel that so thickly coated his hair.
I met Hair Gel at Starbucks and he gave me his spiel. He had just finished grad school and was moving to New York in two months to take a job. He was excited about going to New York, but had decided he would like to find a wife with good ol' Midwestern values. His objective then was to find a suitable candidate in the time he was still in Nebraska and then he would like to move her to New York shortly after he was settled, assuming she was ready. Well, no pressure there.
At the end of our evening, he shook my hand and said he found me very interesting and would like to meet with me again. I barely managed to refrain from calling him "sir" in my reply. I had passed the first test! I'm a nice Nebraska girl with real Midwestern values that transfer to New York.
The next day, he called and thanked me for our date. He said "I find you attractive and interesting, and I would very much like to take you out again." I agreed and we went out a couple more times actually. After those couple dates, I ended things for two reasons. 1. I really wasn't over Mr. Nice Guy yet, and 2. I couldn't stand the smell of Hair Gel's hair gel. I felt like I was wrapped in a cloud of it every time I stood near him!
Moral Of Today's Story: Dating should be a lot more fun than work. While I appreciated some aspects of his business-like demeanor, I personally don't think any good date should end with a hand shake. That's usually how I end dates where I'm not even willing to hug the man. And men, if you want women to get close to you for more than the handshake, make sure you don't overload your hair with smelly gel!
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