Monday, March 2, 2015

The Drought

The Pointer Sisters had a hit song years ago called "It's Raining Men." I love the song! I sang it in my high school swing choir. I had it as my ringtone briefly. 

🎶 "It's raining men. Hallelujah! It's raining men. Every specimen: Tall, blonde, dark and lean. Rough and tough and strong and mean." 🎶

 Unfortunately, the Pointer Sisters were wrong. It is definitely not raining men. It is, in fact, a serious drought. For a brief hiatus, I wasn't even putting on my galoshes. But now that I've deemed myself ready to don my rain poncho, there's just barely a trickle. I don't exclusively meet dates online, but as an efficient avenue I turned my online profile back on, and guess who my matches are. Creepy 50 year olds and my sister's boyfriend!

Are you effing kidding me?!? This is my selection?? Old guys and a guy who is presently on a date with my sister! To those of you thinking this a juicy cheating story, I'm sorry to tell you it's rather anticlimactic. It didn't take me more than a minute to realize that this was an old profile (old picture, previous job listed, and the activity status of "active over three weeks"- which apparently can mean anything from 3 1/2 weeks up to a few years.) I don't know exactly when sis's boyfriend set up the profile. I just assumed it was on one of their many breaks over the past few years. Either way, it was news to him that his profile was still active. 

Now, as for the older gentlemen...I could potentially date an older man, but he at least has to be as rich and as good looking as he is old. So far, they're just plain old. Not remotely wealthy. Not remotely attractive. 

Moral Of Today's Story: 
Some pools don't have the fish that you want to catch, and the only good thing about bad fish is that you can sometimes get a good lunch story ;) 
I'm still hoping for a certain fish to ask me to be ....pardon the pun,fishsclusive. Until then, I guess I'll just keep a line in the water. 

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