Now most of us would never actually make those exact statements, but many girls unwittingly give off that attitude. Unfortunately, this is sometimes another branch of problems stemming from Christians who mingle. I've seen many ladies who've been hurt or who have just idealized romance to the point that they expect men to perform flawlessly every day with no grace for him to be human.
We've realized that as daughters of the King we deserve to be treated well, but in that vein, some daughters have forgotten how to respect the sons of the King.
These ladies are intolerant of men who don't open every door, compliment them immediately, or who don't make big bucks and pick up every tab. Now, I'm a pretty traditional gal myself, but these expectations can be taken to extremes.
I know lazy women who don't cook, clean or hold jobs, but they have husbands who work two jobs to support their channel-flipping-bonbon-eating ways. Or women who would tell a first date that they were disappointed in their evening out because he failed to open a door. Or women who tell everyone they know how they would refuse to settle for small diamond ring proposals (this person is surprisingly still single!)
Get over yourselves, ladies. If you want a relationship, you can't be selfish. It's not going to be all about you. Very few men want to marry you so that they can dote on you, pay your bills, fold your laundry, and put up with your spoiled princess attitude all while you do nothing in return.
Somehow, there are men who have chosen to put themselves in those types of unhealthy relationships, but I personally want a man who respects himself enough to not put up with a douchebaguette.
Moral Of Today's Story:
Douchebaggery is not limited to men or women. It all stems from selfishness, and nobody likes that. The most hurtful, insensitive, annoying, and douchebaggish behavior all comes straight out of selfishness. So to summarize, GET OVER YOURSELF!
Douchebaguette rotfl