I recently read a blurb in "Cosmo" about how all the Hollywood ladies are dating CEO's of web startups now so, likewise, anybody who wants to be true to trend should find an ambitious web-ster to date. It's true that nerdy/geeky/smarty-pants is the new haute/hot, and this summer, I guess you could say, I'm taking my cue from Hollywood.
I've only been out with "The Boss" a few times, but there is a definite chemistry. I've previously mentioned my affinity for men with power, ambition, and authority. I'm attracted to the focus he has and the fact that his windows, walls, and even a waterproof notepad in the shower are covered with random notes of genius that could occur at any moment. It makes me think that I should keep more writing utensils and sticky notes around the house for all my great ideas - you know, the ones that I forget by the time I walk to another room with a notepad....
The Boss also gives professional grade shoulder rubs. I've told him that he could have a fall-back career as a massage therapist if the CEO thing doesn't work out.
The bad news is that The Boss is only in Omaha for the summer, and in September he's headed back to Chicago. So this relation-ship could be smooth sailing for any length of time or it could be the Titanic, destined to crash and sink.
Moral Of Today's Story: You always run the risk of crashing and sinking when you get on any ship, but who wants to be stuck on the shore for your whole life? And let's be honest,who doesn't want to sail on the Titanic? When you have the chance to ride on the Titanic, you go.
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