Back in my good ol'college days, we used to have a tradition called "Get Your Roommate A Date" or as it was affectionately short handed, "Roommate Date." Roommate Date was when your entire dorm wing would plan a group date event where the ladies treat and your roommate had to man up and ask a guy out for you!
We did things like go out for pizza and bowling, dinner and a movie, or some other typical date activity. I usually had good roommates who were able to snag a guy I was crushing on. One year though, I didn't have my sights set on anyone in particular, but Roommate and I heard of a group of guys someone on the wing was willing to dole out to whomever was in need. They were fun loving guys who enjoyed roommate dates- Sold! I'll take one of each!
Well, one girl on our floor for some reason had to back out of our roommate date night, but none of these guys wanted to cancel and be left out. So I, being the good sport that I am, took one for the team and I offered to have two dates that night!
The evening started out great with me wedged between my two dates in the back of my RA's car! I can't remember their names at this point, so let's call them Disappointment 1 and Disappointment 2.
Disappointment 1 and Disappointment 2 were both chivalrous men and early into the date they would both try to open my door, pull out my chair, beat the other one to the gallant punch. However, this dissipated even before the salads were served. They were duds who wanted a free meal. They couldn't even hold an interesting conversation through dinner. I mean with two dates I should have had double the odds of one of them being interesting, but they mostly ended up talking to each other and ignoring me and the rest of my friends at the table.
Despite my last roommate date being a double flop, I've been thinking that perhaps it's time to team up with my new, fun, single, gal-pal roommate. (Although, she insists that we should call ourselves "housemates" since the term "roommate" sounds like we're still in college in a one room dorm. So to clarify, we do have separate rooms.)
So far this new endeavor has involved Housemate chatting on my behalf with gentlemen such as my new Beitish boyfriend on Christian Mingle and randomly texting boys in my phone while we sip cocktails like we're Carrie and Miranda...or Samantha and Charlotte, I'm not sure yet. But I anticipate future posts coming out of Project Get Your Housemate A Date!
Moral Of Today's Story:
The best part about being single is having fun with your girlfriends. Expand the fun! Share more than your favorite hair products and beauty tips. Bring your friend what she really wants, a hot date!