Whether subconsciously or out loud, there are many women who think they can fix a man. Like a man mechanic or, if you will, "man-chanic."
Every woman has a different level of delusion for what she thinks she can fix. There's the mistresses who somehow believe that they are helping a man out of his loveless marriage into their better suited arms. I can hear you, my readers, rolling your eyes at the mistress man-chanics! And for good reason! Any half-wit can see that a cheater is always a cheater. You are the new shiny toy, and once you have lost your new shininess, he will find another toy.
What about the commitment-phobe? Oh, he just hasn't met the right one yet! Clearly, I can persuade him to commit! That's a tricky one, man-chanics. The fact is that a commitment-phobe can't be talked into anything. He's either ready or he's not. He's either into you or he's not. Only time can tell with a commitment-phobe. He'll wake up one day and just be ready., and he will know what he wants only when he's ready.
Man-chanics like to think that they can turn a slob into a GQ cover boy, a slacker into a bread-winner, a dreamer into an achiever, a friend into a boyfriend, a boyfriend into a husband. Can it be done? Yes, but only on one condition...
Moral Of Today's Story:
Man-chanics need one thing to be successful at their fixer-upper project: true, unconditional love. Cheesy as it sounds, the only reason anyone would change is if you love them as they are instead of viewing them as project material that hasn't yet become what you want. True love brings out the best in both people and they will inevitably grow into the best versions of themselves. If it feels like you're working too hard at your fixer-upper, you are. Some projects need to be discarded to make room for true love.